With this module you can export to MS Excel an entire ticket list from views, ticket filters, a single ticket, users and organizations. Our license allows you to install this product in 1 domain, if you need more domains please create an additional order for…

This module allows Kayako Resolve & Fusion end users to login automatically by clicking on a direct link sent on Kayako email messages (autoresponder, staff reply, forward and autoclose emailsNEW). This link will redirect the end users to the ticket and will create a session automatically, for security purposes the email address, password and ticket id is encrypted.

Our license allows you to install this product in 1 domain, if you need more domains please create an additional order for each one.

Find out what people are saying about DirectLogin at the Kayako forums:http://forums.kayako.com/threads/directlogin-module-for-v4.25835/


  • Requires ionCube Loaderversion 3.3.18+.
  • DirectLogin DOESN’T WORK when LoginShare is enabled, please make sure you are not using this feature.
  • Compatible with Kayako 4.40 and newer.

When you purchase any of our products you automatically obtain 1 month of free support after deployment. We do not provide free upgrades of the modifications/custom modules to higher/lower versions of Kayako than the version you ordered from us initially. After that period if Kayako version of the customer has been upgraded you can order an upgrade our modification.The fee is 20% of the initial price. Please note: the minimal upgrading cost is 75 USD.

Also we should note that our guarantee is only applicable to the solution delivered by Dewak, where no further changes were made by any 3rd party or customers themselves.

New easy to install module

Now this module can be easily installed and disabled from the Admin CP.


Automatic Login Link

When your customers send a ticket, an auto-responder email message (if enabled) will be sent to them. This email message will include the DirectLogin link at the bottom. After clicking on the DirectLogin link they will be automatically redirected and logged into the client interface of Kayako, they will land exactly on the ticket they just submitted. The DirectLogin link is also sent on staff replies, forwarded messages and autoclose emails.



All your customer information is encrypted in the DirectLogin link.

You can find a live demo of DirectLogin at the following URL:

Support Center

Enter the domain where the app will be installed, the www prefix and folders are not necessary.
Sample domains:
www.dewak.com => dewak.com
support.dewak.com => support.dewak.com
www.dewak.com/support => dewak.com